The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return- Moulin Rouge
Reciprocation. Balancing the act, like a scale. You're not fair if you don't. That's what Hollywood taught us. It's ingrained into us.
Love must be scored. You love me to the moon and back? I love you to the moon and back times two!
Love is overrated. And unquantifiable. Love knows no answers. What is it that you love about her? If you can answer, you probably don't.
Love is everything we don't know. Is it the butterflies in the stomach? Yeah. Yes it is. When you're 14.
Love is doing math together when you're 17.
Love is not knowing when it's going to end, when you're 20.
Love is saving up on your first paycheck to go see them when you're 22.
Love is hoping it will never end. But it does.
Love is the acceptance of love.
This is something inpresssive... keep it up girl